Wednesday - 13/11/2019 21:34
  The Faculty of History is one of the first faculties of Hanoi General University when it was founded by Government Decree No. 2138/TC of June 6th, 1956. In 1995, the Faculty became a part of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and has been serving as a leading research and training center in the fields of history, archeology, cultural studies, anthropology, urban history, and several other humanities and social science disciplines.    
The Faculty of History is one of the first faculties of Hanoi General University when it was founded by Government Decree No. 2138/TC of June 6th, 1956. In 1995, the Faculty became a part of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and has been severing as a leading research and training center in the fields of history, archeology, cultural studies, anthropology, urban history, and several other disciplines in humanities and social science disciplines. . Over 7000 students has graduated from the Faculty of History in both undergraduate and graduate programs, of whom over one hundred have successfully completed the PhD programs and over three hundreds the master programs. Graduates from Faculty of History are working in various fields and institutions across the country to serve the national development. A number of them become historians and cultural researchers, while others choose to become administrators, political and social activists. During the course of struggles for national independence and freedom, a number of Faculty fellows sacrificed their lives, notably Ca Le Hien, also known as Le Anh Xuan, and Ngo Van So. The Faculty has been awarded many honor titles such as: First Class Labor Order Second Class Labor Order The Title of Heroic Labor (in 2000) Thanks to their great achievements in training and research, many professors and lecturers have been awared honor titles, such as First Class, Second and Third Class Orders; many certificates of merits from Vietnam Confederation of Labor and Vietnam National University. More than 50 members have been awarded medals for National Education Cause, medals for Science and Technology Cause, and so on.  
Dean: Assoc. Prof. Vu Van Quan. PhD Vice-Dean: Assoc. Prof. Tran Thien Thanh. PhD and Dang Hong Son. PhD 2.1. Departments and Divisions Department of Vietnamese Ancient and Medieval History: Head, Prof. Eminent Teacher. Vu Minh Giang. Dr. Sc Department of Vietnamese Modern and Contemporary History: Head, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Le. PhD Department of World History; Head, Prof. Nguyen Van Kim. PhD Department of Vietnam Communist Party: Head, Assoc. Prof. Ngo Dang Tri. PhD Department of Historiography and Sources: Head, Assoc.Prof. Hoang Hong. PhD Department of Cultural Studies: Head, Prof. Nguyen Quang Ngoc. PhD Department of Archaeology: Head, Assoc. Prof. Lam Thi My Dzung. PhD Department of Urban History: Head, Assoc. Prof. Hoang Anh Tuan. PhD Secretariat and Library: Person in charge. Mr. Do Huu Thanh 2.2. Faculty’s Centers Center for Inter-Culture and History Studies Center for Rural Development Studies  
3.1. Undergraduate Programs Vietnam History World History History of Vietnam Communist Party Cultural Studies Archaeology Urban History 3.2. MA Programs Vietnam History World History History of Vietnam Communist Party Historiography and Sources Cultural Studies Cultural Management Archaeology Urban History 3.3. PhD Programs World History Vietnam History History of Vietnam Communist Party Historiography and Sources Cultural Studies Archaeology 3.4. Training Orientations Combine training and research activities to meet socio-economic demands; Improve inter and multi-disciplinary training (history - economy culture and historical and cultural areas); Provide undergraduate and graduate programs of internationally-recognized quality. Improve members' professional skills and capacity to better serve national modernization and industrialization.  
Vietnam History The Faculty has been focusing on the following areas of research: Process of Vietnam Territorial and Cultural formation Vietnam’s Maritime Sovereignty and Exploitation Vietnam’s Ethnicities and Cultures Historical - cultural interactions between Vietnam and other regions and civilizations; between regions, ethnic groups and communities in Vietnam during history; between Vietnam and China, Indochina, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Russia, Norhteast Asia, Western Europe and USA; Features of Vietnam Historical and Cultural Evolution and Development Rural Development Studies in feudal dynasties, French Colonial period, and Modern period. Urbanization and Sustainable Development: Urbanization-related issues, such as the formation and development of urban culture and urban management culture in Vietnam; Area Studies: the formation and main social, economic and cultural features of regions.  
The Faculty has received hundreds of foreign scholars to conduct researches and cooperate in projects from many countries, such as Russia, Ukraine, Korea, Japan, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italia, Norway, the United States and Canada… Many international students from Korea, Singapore, the United States, the Netherlands, Italia, France, Germany, Norway, Canada and other countries have come to the Faculty to do internship, conduct researches, improve expertise and pursue their studies and several of them have successfully completed M.A and PhD programs.  
Third Floor, Block B University of Social Sciences and Humanities-Hanoi No. 336, Nguyen Trai St., Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: (844) 844-35589847/ 38585248; Fax: (844) 35589847   THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR IN HISTORY (HONORS PROGRAM)
N0 Subject code Subject title Credits Credit hours Prerequisite Code
Theory Practice self study
I Common Knowledge 32
1 PHI1004 Fundamental Principles of Marxism – Leninism 1 2 24 6
2 PHI1005 Fundamental Principles of Marxism – Leninism 2 3 36 9 PHI1004
3 POL1001 Ho Chi Minh Ideology 2 20 10 PHI1005
4 HIS1002 The Revolutionary Line of the Communist Party of Vietnam 3 42 3 POL1001
5 INT1004 Introduction to Informatics 2 3 17 28
6 Foreign Language 1 4 16 40 4
a.                                                            FLF2101 General English 1
b.                                                            FLF2201 General  Russian 1
c.                                                             FLF2301 General  French 1
d.                                                            FLF2401 General  Chinese 1
7 e.                                                              Foreign Language 2 5 20 50 5
f.                                                              FLF2102 General  English 2 FLF2101
g.                                                            FLF2202 General  Russian 2 FLF2201
h.                                                            FLF2302 General  French 2 FLF2301
i.                                                              FLF2402 General  Chinese 2 FLF2401
8 j.                                                                Foreign Language 3 5 20 50 5
k.                                                             FLF2103 General  English 3 FLF2102
l.                                                              FLF2203 General  Russian 3 FLF2202
m.                                                           FLF2303 General  French 3 FLF2302
n.                                                            FLF2403 General  Chinese 3 FLF2402
9 o.                                                              Foreign Language 4(***) 5 20 50 5
p.                                                            FLF2104 General  English 4(***) q.                                                            FLF2103
r.                                                             FLF2204 General  Russian 4 (***) s.                                                             FLF2203
t.                                                              FLF2304 General  French 4 (***) u.                                                            FLF2303
v.                                                             FLF2404 General  Chinese 4 (***) w.                                                           FLF2403
10 Physical Education 4
11 National Defence Education 8
12 Soft Skills 3
II Knowledge by fields 26    
II.1   The modules required 20        
13 MNS1053 Research Methods 3 36 9
14 THL1057 General State and Law 2 20 5 5 PHI1004
15 HIS1053 History of World Civilization (*) 3 42 3
16 HIS1056 Fundamentals of Vietnamese Culture (*) 3 42 3
17 SOC1051 General Sociology (*) 3 39 6
18 PSY1051 General Psychology (*) 3 45
19 PHI1054 General Logics 3 31 14
II.2   The modules elective 6/10        
20 INE1014 General Economics 2 20 10  
21 EVS1001 Environment and Development 2 26 4  
22 MAT1078 Statistics for Social Sciences 2 20 10  
23 LIN1050 Practicing on Vietnamese Texts 2 20 10  
24 LIB1050 Introduction to Information Literacy 2 20 10  
III   Batch Sector Knowledge 18    
III.1   The modules required 12        
25 PHI 1101 General Religious Studies 3 39 6
26 ANT1101 Ethnicity and ethnic policies in Vietnam (*) 3 36 9  
27 POL1052 General Politics 3 39 6  
28 ITS1101 Political Institutions of the World (*) 3 30 15
III.2   The modules elective 6/18        
29 HIS1100 General Vietnamese History 3 42 3  
30 PHI1102 History of Philosophy 3 36 9  
31 MNS1103 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 3 36 9  
32 PHI1105 The Asian Way of Production and Vietnamese Village Issues 3 36 9  
33 ANT1100 General Anthropology 3 39 6  
34 JOU1051 Fundamentals of Mass Communication 3 39 6  
IV   Knowledge sector group 13      
IV.1   The modules required 9        
35 HIS1150 Historical Methodology 2 28 2    
36 HIS3107 Some Methods in Historical Research 4 56 4    
37 HIS2010 Introduction to Archeology (*) 3 42 3    
IV.2   The modules elective 4/8        
38                          HIS2015 Socialist-Oriented Renovation Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2  
39                          HIS2016 Socio-Economic Development in the East- Asian Countries 2 28 2  
40                          HIS2017 Socio-Economic Development in the Southeast Asian Countries 2 28 2  
41 HIS3018 World Religions 2 28 2
V   Knowledge sector 70    
V.1   The modules of the sector 49        
V.1.1   The modules required 40        
42 HIS2061   Ancient and Medieval History of  Vietnam (*) 4 56 4  
43 HIS2019 Modern History of Vietnam (*) 3 42 3 HIS2061
44 HIS2104 Contemporary History of Vietnam (*) 4 56 4 HIS2019
45 HIS2064 Ancient and Medieval History of the World (*) 4 56 4
46 HIS2006 History of the World  (*) 3 42 3 HIS2064
47 HIS2065 Contemporary History of the World (*) 4 56 4 HIS2006
48 HIS2020 History of the Historiography (*) 4 56 4  
49 HIS3078 The Study of Historical  Documents and Hitorical Sources in Vietnam 3 42 3  
50 HIS3201 Tendencies of Thoughts in Modern Vietnam (***) 2 28 2 HIS2019
51 HIS3137 ASEAN and Vietnam – ASEAN Relations (***) 3 42 3 HIS2065
52 SIN3055 Basic Sino - Nom 4 56 4
53 HIS2022 Annual Essay 2 30 HIS2104 HIS2065 HIS3107
V.1.2   The modules elective 9/15
54 HIS3125 Vietnamese Villages in History 3 42 3 HIS2061
55 HIS3135 Religions in Vietnam 3 42 3 HIS2104
56 HIS3126 Ancient Art and  Architecture in Vietnam 3 42 3 HIS2010
57 HIS3127 Nguyen Ai Quoc and the Dissemination of Marxist-Leninist Ideology into Vietnam 3 42 3 HIS2019
58 HIS3110 Cultural Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party in the Revolutions 3 42 3 HIS1002
V.2   Specialized knowledge instruction 10        
V.2.1   Vietnam History 10        
V.2.1.1   The modules required 6        
59 HIS3002 Land Regimes in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
60 HIS3003 East-West Acculturation in modern Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
61 HIS3128 The People’s National Democratic Revolution of Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2104
V.2.1.2 The modules elective 4/16  
62 HIS3001 Ancient Cities of Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
63 HIS3008 States and Laws in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
64 HIS3007 Wars of Resistance against Foreign Invasion in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
65 HIS3009 Socio-Economic Structure of Modern Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
66 HIS3010 Tendencies of Liberation Thoughts in Modern Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
67 HIS3098 Military Art of Contemporary Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2104
68 HIS3004 Villages and Agriculture of Contemporary Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS210
69 HIS 3097 Vietnam’s Socio - Economic Transformation, 1945-2000 2 28 2 HIS2104  
V.2.2   World History 10        
V.2.2.1 The modules required 6  
70 HIS3082 Traditional Trade Relations in the East Sea 2 28 2 HIS2064
71 HIS3020 Economic Relations and Regional Cooperations in East Asia: Main Issues 2 28 2 HIS2065
72 HIS3024 Main Features of International Relations after the Cold War 2 28 2 HIS2065
V.2.2.2 The modules elective 4/16  
73 HIS3015 Main Features of the Orientin the Ancient and Medieval Times 2 28 2 HIS2064
74 HIS3099 Socio-Political Theories in Ancient and Medieval China 2 28 2 HIS2064
75 HIS3129 World Civilization and the Human Evolution – Theories 2 28 2 HIS2065
76 HIS3100 The Foundation and Development of the European East India Companies and their Impacts on Asian Societies, XVI-XVII Centuries 2 28 2 HIS2006
77 HIS3025 The U.S Foreign Policies after World War II 2 28 2 HIS2065
78 HIS3026 The Formation and Development of the European Union 2 28 2 HIS2065
79 HIS3027 The USSR (Russia): Its Foundation, Development  and Relations with Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2065
80 HIS3028 Issues on the History of the Middle East 2 28 2 HIS2065
V.2.3   History of Vietnam Communist Party 10        
V.2.3.1 The modules required 6  
81 HIS3029 Issues on the Study of the History of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002  
82 HIS3031 The Foreign Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
83 HIS3101 Issues on the Military Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
V.2.3.2 The modules elective 4/16  
84 HIS3102 Issues on the Movement for the Formation of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
85 HIS3103 The Vietnamese Communist Party's Leading Role in the Preparation for the August Revolution of 1945 2 28 2 HIS1002
86 HIS3037 The Role of North Vietnam in the anti-American War 2 28 2 HIS1002
87 HIS3104 The Vietnamese Communist Party's Leading Role in the Establishment of the Government, 1945-1975 2 28 2 HIS1002  
88 HIS3105 Issues on International Relations after World War II 2 28 2 HIS1002  
89 HIS3106 Land Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Partythroughout Revolutionary Periods 2 28 2 HIS1002  
90 HIS3111 The VietnameseCommunist Party's People Mobilization in the Revolutions. 2 28 2 HIS1002  
91 HIS3130 Political Platforms of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
V.2.4   Cultural Studies 10        
V.2.4.1 The modules required 6        
92 HIS3041 Issues ofthe Cultural Studies and Cultural History 2 28 2 HIS1056
93 HIS3042 Cultural Exchanges and Acculturation in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
94 HIS3047 Issues on Beliefs, Religions and Festivals in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
V.2.4.2 The modules elective 4/14  
95 HIS3048 Culture and Environment 2 28 2 HIS1056
96 HIS3131 Heritage and Management of Cultural Heritage in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
97 HIS3132 Village Culture in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
98 HIS3046 VietnameseFolk Cultures 2 28 2 HIS1056
99 HIS3043 Cities and Urban Culture in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
100 HIS3133 Gender and Gender Studies in Vietnam Culture 2 28 2 HIS1056
101 HIS3045 Regional Cultures and Charateritics of Ethnic Cultures in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
V.2.5   Archaeology 10        
V.2.5.1 The modules required 6  
102 HIS3134 Archeology Theories 2 28 2 HIS2010
103 HIS3112 Vietnam Stone Age 2 28 2 HIS2010
104 HIS3113 Vietnam Metal Age 2 28 2 HIS2010
V.2.5.2 The modules elective 4/16  
105 HIS3050 Methods in Archaelogy Study 2 28 2 HIS2010
106 HIS3054 Human, Technology and Environment 2 28 2 HIS2010
107 HIS3114 Vietnamese Historical Archaelogy 2 28 2 HIS2010
108 HIS3055 The Champa Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
109 HIS3115 The Oc Eo Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
110 HIS3058 Ceramics and the History of Vietnamese Ceramics 2 28 2 HIS2010
111 HIS3059 China Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
112 HIS3062 The History of Vietnam Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
V.2.6   Urban History 10
V.2.6.1 The modules required 6
113 HIS3116 Tendencies of Urban History Studies in the World and in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS3107
114 HIS3117 Urban Management and Development in Vietnamese History 2 28 2 HIS2061
115 HIS3118 Urban Societal Transformation in Modern and Contemporary Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
V.2.6.2 The modules elective 4/14
116 HIS3119 Issues of Urban Archaeology in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2010
117 HIS3120 Some Typical Cities in Vietnam History 2 28 2 HIS2061
118 HIS3121 Urban Structure in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
119 HIS3122 Urban – Rural Relations in Vietnamese History 2 28 2 HIS1056
120 HIS3123 Feature of Vietnamese Urbanity during the XIX-XX Centuries 2 28 2 HIS2019
121 HIS3124 History of World Urban Civilization 2 28 2 HIS1053
122 ANT3026 Urban Anthropology 2 28 2
V.3   Internship and thesis 11
123 HIS4050 Fieldwork 2 20 10 HIS2010
124 HIS4052 Graduation Fieldwork 2 20 10 The modules of each specialized knowledge corresponding direction
125 HIS4153 Graduation Thesis 7
Total 159
  1. Knowledge
1.1.Understand the system of knowledge about the subjects: The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and methodological implications of this theory in the study and research of the history. 1.2. Understand and apply basic knowledge about Ho Chi Minh Thoughts in study and research of the history. 1.3.Understand and apply the basic knowledge about the revolutionary lines of Communist Party of Vietnam in the study and research of the history. 1.4.Understand and apply the basic knowledge about the basic sciences in the fields of Social and Humanity in the study and research of the history. 1.5. Understand and apply the knowledge about the methods of scientific research in the study and research of the history. 1.6.Understand and apply the basic knowledge about the subjects of History, Philosophy, Political Sciences in the study and research of the history. 1.7. Basic knowledge of historical philosophy, including the historical interpretations, historical methodologies, sources analyses, periodization and historiographical trends in Vietnam and in the world. Ability to analyze and present positive elements or limitations of contemporary historiographical  schools; ability to analyze and criticize the historical sources. 1.8. Basic understanding of archaeology as an interdisciplinary research of the past. Clearly understanding the nature of archaeology and interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary nature of archaeological studies, defining the goals, the object and different perspectives of archeology. 1.9. Systematic and advanced knowledge about the process of Vietnamese history and world history during ancient-medieval period, early modern period, the modern period. 1.10. Knowledge about some important issues of Vietnamese history and world history, such as the Vietnamese village in history, Nguyen Ai Quoc and the introduction of Marxism Leninism into Vietnam, socio-economic development of the North-East Asian countries... 1.11.Advanced and specialized knowledge about ideological tendencies in early modern Vietnam, about ASEAN and Vietnam-ASEAN relations. 1.12. Basic understanding of the process of formation and development of the Sino-Nom language in the Vietnamese history and culture. Ability to transcribe and translate some basic types of the Sino-Nom texts relating to the Vietnamese history and culture. 1.13. Advanced knowledge about some specialized majors (depending upon the majors enrolled by students) 1.13.1. Hướng chuyên ngành Lịch sử Việt Nam 1.13.1.Vietnamese History Profound knowledge about the agrarian regimes in ancient-medieval history of Vietnam; the East-West cultural interactions in early modern Vietnam; Socio-economic transformation in Vietnam since 1945 Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within the specialized major of Vietnamese History, as well as of other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.2.World history Profound knowledge about traditional trading relations in the South China Sea; major issues relating to the economic relations and co-operation in East Asia; major issues relating to international relations in the post-Cold War period... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within the specialized major of World History, as well as other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.3.History of Vietnam Communist Party Profound knowledge about major issues of the history of Vietnam Communist Party; The foreign policies of the Party throughout the historical periods; major issues of the military policies of the Party... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within specialized major of History of Vietnam Communist Party, as well as other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.4.Cultural Studies Profound knowledge about major theoritical issues of cultural history and cultural studies; Application of sociological methods in the study of cultural history; Urban and urban culture in Vietnam... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within specialized imajor of Culture Studies, as well as other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.5.Archaeology Profound knowledge about the methods of archaeological research; Stone age of Vietnam; metal age of Vietnam... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within specialized major of Archaeology, as well as other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.6. Urban History Profound knowledge about the research trends in Urban History and Urban Studies in the World and in Vietnam; Urban Management and Development in Vietnamese History; Urban Societal Transformation in Modern and Contemporary Vietnam… Applying these knowledge in study and research of issues within specialized major of Urban History, as well as other disciplines of historical studies.
  1. Skill
2.1. Hard skills Ability to make scientific argument to identify the object of historical research, the nature of historical awareness; to comprehend research methodologies and ability to apply them in the advaned historical researches Ability to identify the basic features of an archaeological relic, for which one can detect new archaeological ruins during the excavation. Having the necessary skills to choose the directions, plan and organize the excavation, as well as particular  skills to detect and manage special types of monuments in the excavated pits. Aware of public communication methods, encouraging people to do archaeology, bringing archaeology to serve the particular needs of the regions, taking part in the work of "Community Archaeology". Mastering the basic methods and theories of the historical science in general, toward a historical specialized major in particular (depending on each specialized major enrolled by students). Knowing how to implement innovation scientific researches and approaching to other specialized instruction of history as well as the social sciences and the humanities in general. Skills in identifying, analyzing and solving the question of historical science. + Ability to identify research problems, posing questions and research / hypotheses. + Ability to define priorities for each research questions / hypotheses. + Ability to select and innovatively apply historical research methods in analyzing and solving questions in each specialized training major. + Ability to allocate time and resources to solve the questions. Skills in organizing investigation and survey: + Survey on documentation (knowing how to search documents by using search engines, in the library, how to organize and classify information; knowing how to evaluate the reliability of information; capable of identifying remaining research issues; the problems receiving no/inedequate attention; knowing how to list, cite references). + Survey in the actual situation (understanding the methods of actual field work of each specific field; capable of individuals / different groups surveying; capable of flexibly application supporting tools to conduct surveys). Sumarize the empirical and theoritical findings. 2.2. Soft skills 2.1.1.Skill to work  independently and creatively 2.2.2. Teamwork skill Forming working groups. Identifying member or leader of working group. Determining the work plan of working group. Implementing the work plan, monitor and evaluate the performance. Change the group to adapt to different circumstances. 2.2.3. Communication skills Developing ideas and argument. Personal communication skills. Public presentations. Writing communication. Communication by means of technology. 2.2.4. Skills in foreign languages and informatics Language skills: qualifications B2 (equivalent to IELTS 5.0). Computer skills: proficient office computer skills.
  1. Moral qualities
3.1. Personal moral qualities Awareness and complying with the principles of conduct and ethical standards. Honesty and keep credibility. 3.2. Professional moral qualities Having sense of discipline, self-discipline and dedication in work. Honesty in research and exploitation, citing research findings. Awareness of the responsibility and showing responsibility in their work. 3.3. Social moral qualities Eager and desire to explore and learn from life experience. Interacting responsibly the community and society. Protection of national interests.
  1. Work placement students can take after graduation
Doing research in institutes, research centers, government agencies, social organizations requiring expertise directly related to historical knowledge. Teaching history at universities, colleges and high schools. Historical data management, management in museums, historical sites ... Working in the field of history and culture in the State, social organizations (domestic and foreign). Jobs in the fields of social sciences and humanities. * The types of agencies, organizations and businesses have the ability and the opportunity to accordingly work: Universities, colleges, high schools having history courses and the course of Revolutionary way of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Research institues belonging to the Vietnam Academy of Social Science (Institute of History, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, North-East Asia Research Institute, National Research Institute of the Americas, Institute for European Studies, Middle East and Central African Studies  Institute, Institute of Anthropology ...), the Vietnam Institute of Military History, Vietnam Institute of Party History ... State agencies and organizations that use historical knowledge (the central authorities of the political system, the press agencies, People's Committees at all levels, museums, research centers, cultural history, the management unit of historical, publishers, professional journals history ...).   THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR IN HISTORY (STANDARD PROGRAM)
N0 Subject code Subject title Credits Credit hours Prerequisite Code
Theory Practice self study
I Common Knowledge 27
1 PHI1004 Fundamental Principles of Marxism – Leninism 1 2 24 6
2 PHI1005 Fundamental Principles of Marxism – Leninism 2 3 36 9 PHI1004
3 POL1001 Ho Chi Minh Ideology 2 20 10 PHI1005
4 HIS1002 The Revolutionary Line of the Communist Party of Vietnam 3 42 3 POL1001
5 INT1004 Introduction to Informatics 2 3 17 28  
6 Foreign Language 1 4 16 40 4
x.                                                             FLF2101 General English 1
y.                                                             FLF2201 General  Russian 1
z.                                                             FLF2301 General  French 1
aa.                                                          FLF2401 General  Chinese 1
7 bb.                                                            Foreign Language 2 5 20 50 5
cc.                                                          FLF2102 General  English 2 FLF2101
dd.                                                          FLF2202 General  Russian 2 FLF2201
ee.                                                          FLF2302 General  French 2 FLF2301
ff.                                                            FLF2402 General  Chinese 2 FLF2401
8 gg.                                                            Foreign Language 3 5 20 50 5
hh.                                                          FLF2103 General  English 3 FLF2102
ii.                                                             FLF2203 General  Russian 3 FLF2202
jj.                                                             FLF2303 General  French 3 FLF2302
kk.                                                          FLF2403 General  Chinese 3 FLF2402
9 Physical Education 4  
10 National Defence Education 8  
11 Soft Skills 3  
II Knowledge by fields 26    
II.1   The modules required 20        
12 MNS1053 Research Methods 3 36 9    
13 THL1057 General State and Law 2 20 5 5 PHI1004
14 HIS1053 History of World Civilization 3 42 3
15 HIS1056 Fundamentals of Vietnamese Culture 3 42 3
16 SOC1051 General Sociology 3 39 6
17 PSY1051 General Psychology 3 45
18 PHI1054 General Logics 3 31 14  
II.2   The modules elective 6/10        
19 INE1014 General Economics 2 20 10  
20 EVS1001 Environment and Development 2 26 4  
21 MAT1078 Statistics for Social Sciences 2 20 10  
22 LIN1050 Practicing on Vietnamese Texts 2 20 10  
23 LIB1050 Introduction to Information Literacy 2 20 10  
III   Batch Sector Knowledge 18
III.1   The modules required 12    
24 PHI1101 General Religious Studies 3 39 6 PHI1004  
25 ANT1101 Ethnicity and ethnic policies in Vietnam 3 36 9
26 POL1052 General Politics 3 39 6
27 ITS1101 Political Institutions of the World 3 30 15
III.2   The modules elective 6/18        
28 HIS1100 General Vietnamese History 3 42 3    
29 PHI1102 History of Philosophy 3 36 9    
30 MNS1103 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 3 36 9  
31 PHI1105 The Asian Way of Production and Vietnamese Village Issues 3 36 9 PHI1004  
32 ANT1100 General Anthropology 3 39 6  
33 JOU1051 Fundamentals of Mass Communication 3 39 6  
IV   Knowledge sector group 11      
IV.1   The modules required 9    
34 HIS1150 Historical Methodology 2 28 2
35 HIS3107 Some Methods in Historical Research 4 56 4
36 HIS2010 Introduction to Archeology 3 42 3
IV.2   The modules elective 2/8
37         HIS2015 Socialist-Oriented Renovation Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2
38         HIS2016 Socio-Economic Development in the East- Asian Countries 2 28 2
39         HIS2017 Socio-Economic Development in the Southeast Asian Countries 2 28 2
40         HIS3018 World Religions 2 28 2
V   Knowledge sector 57    
V.1   The modules of the sector 38        
V.1.1   The modules required 35        
41 HIS2061 Ancient and Medieval History of  Vietnam 4 56 4  
42 HIS2019 Modern History of Vietnam 3 42 3 HIS2061
43 HIS2104 Contemporary History of Vietnam 4 56 4 HIS2019
44 HIS2064 Ancient and Medieval History of the World 4 56 4
45 HIS2006 Modern History of the World 3 42 3 HIS2064
46 HIS2065 Contemporary History of the World 4 56 4 HIS2006
47 HIS2020 History of the Historiography 4 56 4  
48 HIS3078 The Study of Historical  Documents and Hitorical Sources in Vietnam 3 42 3
49 SIN3055 Basic Sino-Nom 4 56 4
50 HIS 2022 Annual Essay 2 HIS2104 HIS2065 HIS3107
V.1.2.   The modules elective 3/12        
51 HIS3125 Vietnamese Villages in History 3 42 3 HIS2061
52 HIS3126 Ancient Arts and  Architecture in Vietnam 3 42 3 HIS2010
53 HIS3127 Nguyen Ai Quoc and the Dissemination of Marxist-Leninist Ideology into Vietnam 3 42 3 HIS2019
54 HIS3110 Cultural Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party in the Revolutions 3 42 3 HIS1002
V.2   Specialized knowledge instruction 10
V.2.1   Vietnam History 10
V.2.1.1   The modules required 6
55 HIS3002 Land Regimes in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
56 HIS3003 East-West Acculturation in modern Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
57 HIS3128 The People’s National Democratic Revolution of Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS 2104
V.2.1.2 The modules elective 4/16
58 HIS3001 Ancient Cities of Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
59 HIS3008 States and Laws in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
60 HIS3007 Wars of Resistance against Foreign Invasion in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2061
61 HIS3009 Socio-Economic Structure of Modern Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
62 HIS3010 Tendencies of Liberation Thoughts in Modern Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
63 HIS3098 Military Art of Contemporary Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2104
64 HIS 3004 Villages and Agriculture of Contemporary Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2104
65 HIS 3097 Vietnam’s Socio - Economic Transformation, 1945-2000 2 28 2 HIS2104
V.2.2   World History 10
V.2.2.1 The modules required 6
66 HIS3082 Traditional Trade Relations in the East Sea 2 28 2 HIS2064
67 HIS3020 Economic Relations and Regional Cooperations in East Asia: Main Issues 2 28 2 HIS2065
68 HIS3024 Main Features of International Relations after the Cold War 2 28 2 HIS2065
V.2.2.2 The modules elective 4/16
69 HIS3015 Main Features of the Orientin the Ancient and Medieval Times 2 28 2 HIS2064
70 HIS3099 Socio-Political Theories in Ancient and Medieval China 2 28 2 HIS2064
71 HIS3129 World Civilization and the Human Evolution – Theories 2 28 2 HIS2065
72 HIS3100 The Foundation and Development of the European East India Companies and their Impacts on Asian Societies, XVI-XVII Centuries 2 28 2 HIS2006
73 HIS3025 The U.S Foreign Policies after World War II 2 28 2 HIS2065
74 HIS3026 The Formation and Development of the European Union 2 28 2 HIS2065
75 HIS3027 The USSR (Russia): Its Foundation, Development  and Relations with Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2065
76 HIS3028 Issues on the History of the Middle East 2 28 2 HIS2065
V.2.3   History of Vietnam Communist Party 10
V.2.3.1 The modules required 6
77 HIS3029 Issues on the Study of the History of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
78 HIS3031 The Foreign Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
79 HIS3101 Issues on the Military Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
V.2.3.2 The modules elective 4/16
80 HIS3102 Issues on the Movement for the Formation of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
81 HIS3103 The Vietnamese Communist Party's Leading Role in the Preparation for the August Revolution of 1945 2 28 2 HIS1002
82 HIS3037 The Role of North Vietnam in the anti-American War 2 28 2 HIS1002
83 HIS3104 The Vietnamese Communist Party's Leading Role in the Establishment of the Government, 1945-1975 2 28 2 HIS1002
84 HIS3105 Issues on International Relations after World War II 2 28 2 HIS1002
85 HIS3106 Land Policies of the Vietnamese Communist Partythroughout Revolutionary Periods 2 28 2 HIS1002
86 HIS3111 The Vietnamese Communist Party's People Mobilization in the Revolutions. 2 28 2 HIS1002
87 HIS3130 Political Platforms of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2 28 2 HIS1002
V.2.4   Cultural Studies 10
V.2.4.1 The modules required 6
88 HIS3041 Issues ofthe Cultural Studies and Cultural History 2 28 2 HIS1056
89 HIS3042 Cultural Exchanges and Acculturation in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
90 HIS3047 Issues on Beliefs, Religions and Festivals in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
V.2.4.2 The modules elective 4/14
91 HIS3048 Culture and Environment 2 28 2 HIS1056
92 HIS3131 Heritage and Management of Cultural Heritage in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
93 HIS3132 Village Culture in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
94 HIS3046 VietnameseFolk Cultures 2 28 2 HIS1056
95 HIS3043 Cities and Urban Culture in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
96 HIS3133 Gender and Gender Studies in Vietnam Culture 2 28 2 HIS1056
97 HIS3045 Regional Cultures and Charateritics of Ethnic Cultures in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS1056
V.2.5   Archaeology 10
V.2.5.1 The modules required 6
98 HIS3134 Archeology Theories 2 28 2 HIS2010
99 HIS3112 Vietnam Stone Age 2 28 2 HIS2010
100 HIS3113 NamVietnam Metal Age 2 28 2 HIS2010
V.2.5.2 The modules elective 4/16
101 HIS3050 Methods in Archaelogy Study 2 28 2 HIS2010
102 HIS3054 Human, Technology and Environment 2 28 2 HIS2010
103 HIS3114 Vietnamese Historical Archaelogy 2 28 2 HIS2010
104 HIS3055 The Champa Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
105 HIS3115 The Oc Eo Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
106 HIS3058 Ceramics and the History of Vietnamese Ceramics 2 28 2 HIS2010
107 HIS3059 China Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
108 HIS3062 The History of Vietnam Archaeology 2 28 2 HIS2010
V.2.6 Urban History 10
 V.2.6.1 The modules required 6
109 HIS3116 Tendencies of Urban History Studies in the World and in Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS3107
110 HIS3117 Urban Management and Development in Vietnamese History 2 28 2 HIS2061
111 HIS3118 Urban Societal Transformation in Modern and Contemporary Vietnam 2 28 2 HIS2019
 V.2.6.2 The modules elective 4/14 28 2
112 HIS3119 Issues of Urban Archaeology in Vietnam 2 28 2  HIS2010
113 HIS3120 Some Typical Cities in Vietnam History 2 28 2 HIS2061
114 HIS3121 Urban Structure in Ancient and Medieval Vietnam 2 28 2  HIS2061
115 HIS3122 Urban – Rural Relations in Vietnamese History 2 28 2 HIS1056
116 HIS3123 Feature of Vietnamese Urbanity during the XIX-XX Centuries 2 28 2 HIS2019
117 HIS3124 History of World Urban Civilization 2 28 2 HIS1053
118 ANT3026 Urban Anthropology 2 28 2
V.3   Internship and thesis 9
119 HIS4050 Fieldwork 2 20 10 HIS2010
120 HIS4052 Graduation Fieldwork 2 20 10 The modules of each specialized knowledge corresponding direction
121 HIS4053 Graduation Thesis 5
  The modules replace graduation thesis 5
122 HIS4059 The Process of National and Territorial Formation of Vietnam 3 39 6  
123 HIS4060 Vietnam in Regional and International Interactions 2 28 2  
Total 139
  1. Knowledge
1.1.Understand the system of knowledge about the subject: The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and methodological implications of this theory in the study and research of the history. 1.2. Understand and apply basic knowledge about Ho Chi Minh Thoughts in study and research of the history. 1.3. Understand and apply the basic knowledge about the revolutionary lines of Communist Party of Vietnam in study and research of the history. 1.4. Understand and apply the basic knowledge about the basic sciences in the fields of Social and Humanity in study and research the history. 1.5. Understand and apply the knowledge about the methods of scientific research in study and research of the history. 1.6. Understand and apply the basic knowledge about the subjects of History, Philosophy, Political Sciences in study and research of the history. 1.7. Basic knowledge of historical philosophy, including the historical interpretations, historical methodologies, sources analyses, periodization and historiographical trends in Vietnam and in the world. Ability to analyze and present positive elements or limitations of contemporary historiographical  schools; ability to analyze and criticize the historical sources. 1.8. Basic understanding of archaeology as an interdisciplinary research of the past. Clearly understanding the nature of archaeology and interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary nature of archaeological studies, defining the goals, the object and different perspectives of archeology. 1.9. Systematic and advanced knowledge about the process of Vietnamese history and world history during ancient-medieval period, early modern period, the modern period. 1.10. Knowledge about some important issues of Vietnamese history and world history, such as the Vietnamese village in history, Nguyen Ai Quoc and the introduction of Marxism Leninism into Vietnam, socio-economic development of the North-East Asian countries... 1.11. Advanced and specialized knowledge about ideological tendencies in early modern Vietnam, about ASEAN and Vietnam-ASEAN relations. 1.12. Basic understanding of the process of formation and development of the Sino-Nom language in the Vietnamese history and culture. Ability to transcribe and translate some basic types of the Sino-Nom texts relating to the Vietnamese history and culture. 1.13. Advanced knowledge about some specialized majors (depending upon the majors enrolled by students) 1.13.1.Vietnamese History Profound knowledge about the agrarian regimes in ancient-medieval history of Vietnam; the East-West cultural interactions in early modern Vietnam; Socio-economic transformation in Vietnam since 1945 Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within the specialized major of Vietnamese History, as well as of other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.2.World history Profound knowledge about traditional trading relations in the South China Sea; major issues relating to the economic relations and co-operation in East Asia; major issues relating to international relations in the post-Cold War period... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within the specialized major of World History, as well as other disciplines of historical studies.. 1.13.3.History of Vietnam Communist Party Profound knowledge about major issues of the history of Vietnam Communist Party; The foreign policies of the Party throughout the historical periods; major issues of the military policies of the Party... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within specialized major of History of Vietnam Communist Party, as well as other disciplines of historical studies 1.13.4.Cultural Studies Profound knowledge about major theoritical issues of cultural history and cultural studies; Application of sociological methods in the study of cultural history; Urban and urban culture in Vietnam... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within specialized imajor of Culture Studies, as well as other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.5.Archaeology Profound knowledge about the methods of archaeological research; Stone age of Vietnam; metal age of Vietnam... Applying these knowledge in the study and research of issues within specialized major of Archaeology, as well as other disciplines of historical studies. 1.13.6. Urban History Profound knowledge about the research trends in Urban History and Urban Studies in the World and in Vietnam; Urban Management and Development in Vietnamese History; Urban Societal Transformation in Modern and Contemporary Vietnam… Applying these knowledge in study and research of issues within specialized maj.  
  1. Skill
2.1. Hard skills Ability to make scientific argument to identify the object of historical research, the nature of historical awareness; to comprehend research methodologies and ability to apply them in the advaned historical researches Potential in identifying the basic characteristics of an archaeological relic, Ability to identify the basic features of an archaeological relic, for which one can detect new archaeological ruins during the excavation. Having the necessary skills to choose the directions, plan and organize the excavation, as well as particular  skills to detect and manage special types of monuments in the excavated pits. Aware of public communication methods, encouraging people to do archaeology, bringing archaeology to serve the particular needs of the regions, taking part in the work of "Community Archaeology" Mastering the basic methods and theories of the historical science in general, toward a historical specialized major in particular (depending on each specialized major enrolled by students). Knowing how to implement innovation scientific researches and approaching to other specialized instruction of history as well as the social sciences and the humanities in general. Skills in identifying, analyzing and solving the question of historical science. + Ability to identify research problems, posing questions and research / hypotheses + Ability to identify priorities for each research questions / hypotheses. + Ability to select and innovatively apply historical research methods in analyzing and solving questions in each specialized training major. + Ability to allocate time, resources to solve the question. Skills in organizing investigation and survey + Survey on documentation (knowing how to search documents by using search engines, in the library, how to organize and classify information; knowing how to evaluate the reliability of information; capable of identifying remaining research issues; the problems receiving no/inedequate attention; knowing how to list, cite references). + Survey in the actual situation (understanding the methods of actual field work of each specific field; capable of individuals / different groups surveying; capable of flexibly application supporting tools to conduct surveys). Sumarize the empirical and theoritical findings. 2.2. Soft skills 2.1.1. Skill to work  independently and creatively 2.2.2. Teamwork skill Forming working groups. Identifying member or leader of working group. Determining the work plan of working group. Implementing the work plan, monitor and evaluate the performance. Change the group to adapt to different circumstances. 2.2.3. Communication skills Developing ideas and argument. Personal communication skills. Public presentations. Writing communication. Communication by means of technology. 2.2.4. Skills in foreign languages and informatics Language skills: qualifications B2 (equivalent to IELTS 5.0). Computer skills: proficient office computer skills skills.
  1. Moral qualities
3.1. Personal moral qualities Awareness and complying the principles of conduct and ethical standards. Honesty and keep credibility. 3.2. Professional moral qualities Having sense of discipline, self-discipline and dedication in work. Honesty in research and exploitation, citing research findings. Awareness of the responsibility and showing responsibility in their work. 3.3. Social moral qualities Eager and desire to explore and learn from life experience. Interacting responsibly the community and society. Protection of national interests.
  1. Work placement students can take after graduation
Doing research in institutes, research centers, government agencies, social organizations requiring expertise directly related to historical knowledge. Teaching history at universities, colleges and high schools. Historical data management, management in museums, historical sites ... Working in the field of history and culture in the State, social organizations (domestic and foreign). Jobs in the fields of social sciences and humanities.   * The types of agencies, organizations and businesses have the ability and the opportunity to accordingly work: Universities, colleges, high schools having history courses and the course of Revolutionary way of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Research institues belonging to the Vietnam Academy of Social Science (Institute of History, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, North-East Asia Research Institute, National Research Institute of the Americas, Institute for European Studies, Middle East and Central African Studies  Institute, Institute of Anthropology ...), the Vietnam Institute of Military History, Vietnam Institute of Party History ... State agencies and organizations that use historical knowledge (the central authorities of the political system, the press agencies, People's Committees at all levels, museums, research centers, cultural history, the management unit of historical, publishers, professional journals history ...).   JOB OPPORTUNITIES
  1. Archaeologist
Archaeologists often do not stay at their places. Their homes are the people’s homes. They conduct fieldworks and  excavations in the archaeological sites of various regions. The archaeological excavations aim to find traces of materials, which help to partly recreated the history of Vietnam. From the ruins, relics found at the site excavation, archaeologists, researchers can determine the ages, nature and cultural characteristics. They reconstruct monuments and design an overall plan to preserve and promote the historical - cultural - educational values of the monuments which help to construct the culture of contemporary Vietnam. The jobs and tasks: Examine the archaeological materials; Planning for archaeological excavations; Relics survey participants before organizing the excavations; Excavations conducted by the service; Treating the field monuments and artifacts collected; Processing artifacts; Reconstruction artifacts; Dating assessment, the value of relics and artifacts. The requirements for ability and personality: Love of job, honesty and objectivity; Independent research capability, and leadership team. The recruitment institutions: Archaeological Institute, Vietnam History Museum, The Museum in the province - the city, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the province - the city ... Job prospects: The training and research center for archaeology  are missing many archaeological staff.
  1. Historian
As their researches often deal with the historical past of a nation-state, the historians to a large extent can work in diverse environments. By exploring the historical sources, historians are able to reconstruct the historical events, analyzing,, evaluating, and locating a relationship, the role of the past with the present. In addition to research work, the historians also contribute to convey the historical knowledge to the community, give advices for the government in forming research and plan for socio - economic development of the country. The jobs and tasks: Determination of research topics, research orientation; Planning for specific studies; Find and exploit materials; Data processing; Reconstruction of events based on of the discovered materials; Analyze and evaluate the position and role of events. The requirements for capacity, personality: Love of job; Perseverance, diligence; truthfulness and objectivity in research. The recruitment institutions: Institute of History, the Institute and research centers for social sciences and humanities, the Party and the Government offices, ministries, departments, the Universities, Colleges, the Secondary Education schools, The primary schools, the media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio agencies, the TV programmes, the scientific councils ... Job prospects: Any countries are concerned with their history, because history is the foundation of national development. Thus, the jobs in the historical field and the future of historians are secured and more and more promoted.  In the context of international integration, historians have various opportunities to study abroad and exchange their knowledge with foreign scholars.
  1. Cultural Studies
Cultural researchers have diverse working environment. They can study the cultural elements of each regions and ethnic groups as well as the theories of cultural exchanges between Vietnam and foreign countries. They can also offer explaination for the cultural movements and transformation during the period of international cultural integration. They can assemble the cultural information from the written sources, oral materials, the mass media, fieldwork materials ... to describe the cultural activities, analyze and assess their role and their impact on the development of Vietnam's cultural history. With the diverse research topics, apart from researches on general cultural knowledge, cultural researchers often specilize in a specific field of cultural studies. The jobs and tasks: Identify research topics; overview of research issues; Research planning; Exploitation and processing of materials; Conduct survey research area; Research, analysis and evaluation of cultural activities (based on the methods of cultural anthropology and cultural sociology in the study). The recruitment institutions: Research center under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Institute for Research and Cultural Center of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, universities, the Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism at the provincial and local levels, the cultural research centers, museum in the provinces, cities, the magazines, newspapers, publishing houses, etc Job prospects: People working in the field of cultural studies  have various employment opportunities because of the interdisciplinary nature of this field., They also have opportunities for promotion in their career. In the context of increasing cultural exchanges between Vietnam and foreign countries, cultural researchers have various opportunities to study abroad and exchange knowledge with international scholars, .
  1. The other job opportunities:
The secondary schools, high schools, elementary schools; The research institutions at the central and local levels; Archive centers, libraries, museums; Newspapers, magazines, radio - TV; Various positions in the government administration (the Party, the Government, ministries, departments), departments and offices in localities.

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