Seminar : Vietnamese Guns and Chinese Warfare (c.1550-1680s)

Tuesday - 10/01/2017 00:21
Seminar : Vietnamese Guns and Chinese Warfare (c.1550-1680s)
Seminar : Vietnamese Guns and Chinese Warfare (c.1550-1680s)
Topic: Vietnamese Guns and Chinese Warfare (c. 1550-1680s) 
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 January 19, 2017 (Thursday)

Location: Room 201, Department of History, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, 

Hanoi National University, 336 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi.

Speakers: Sun Laichen (Professor, History Department, California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), USA)

Sun Laichen was educated both in China and the US. He received his Ph. D. from University of Michigan and is currently Professor of Southeast Asian History at California State University, Fullerton and. Ever since 2000, he has been teaching, among other classes, “Early Vietnam” and “Modern Vietnam.” He has also been doing research on early modern Vietnamese history and Vietnamese-Chinese relations. Since 2003 He has done fieldwork in Vietnam (as well as Burma/Myanmar, Singapore, China, Japan, and South Korea). Sun Laichen was Senior Research Fellow at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore in 2003; Research Fellow at the Center for Southeast Asian Research, Kyoto University in 2008; and Specially Hired Professor in Global History at Osaka University, Japan in 2015. Sun Laichen is also the founder and chief editor of “Translation Series of Overseas Southeast Asian Studies” and the founder of “Yao Nan Translation Prize.”   Sun Laichen’s research interest includes Asian military history and Southeast Asian-Chinese interaction during the early modern era (c.1350-1800). His publications include Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century: The China Factor (co-editor), “Chinese Military Technology Transfers and the Emergence of Northern Mainland Southeast Asia, c. 1390-1527,” and “Chinese Gunpowder Technology and Dai Viet: c. 1390-1497,”  “Chinese-style Firearms in Dai Viet (Vietnam): The Archaeological Evidence,” “Burmese Bells and Chinese Eroticism: Southeast Asia’s Cultural Influence on China,” “Saltpeter and War-making in Eastern Eurasia,”  and “The International Impact of Bao Ninh’s Sorrow of War—What is the Color of History?” Some of his works have been translated into Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese. His ongoing book projects include The First Gunpowder Empires: Asian Gunpowder Technology during 1368-1500, The Century of Warfare in Eastern Eurasia, c. 1550-1683, and The Age of Gunpowder in Eastern Eurasia, c. 1380s-1980s.

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